Exciting news, folks! My short story, "Clepsydra", is now available to read for free in issue #13 of The Crow's Quill Magazine from Quill & Crow Press! And gosh did they do a fantastic job of it! This magazine is a thing of beauty. I'm genuinely blown away.

Huge thanks to everyone over at Q&C for making this happen, but in particular to editor Damon Barret Roe for their work on "Clepsydra" with me.
You can find the story, along with fantastic work from the other authors (in particular, I loved J.A. Duncan's "The Sea, She Sings") right here: https://www.quillandcrowpublishinghouse.com/thecrowsquill
Side note: Props to Q&C for their handling of trigger warnings. A general advisory at the front of the magazine with a comprehensive index at the back. I fail to see how the "But triggers spoil the story for people!" crowd could have a problem with that.